
¨...He changes the world with the seeds we sow¨

Well there´s a song I really enjoy calles ¨Little is much¨...It goes ¨Little is much when God´s in it and no one can fathom the plans he holds, little is much when God´s in it, He changes the world with the seeds we sow...

So, this is my second month, we have an awesome new group of missionaries here, sold out to God!!! The first couple of days my team, The Freedom Fighters, did ministry here in Lima, drama and evangelizing...We then headed about 3-4 hours out of Lima to a town called Chincha (very close to Pisco). Here we did the drama ¨Freedom¨, did some personal evangelism, and VBS. One place we did VBS was in a poor neighborhood that was really dusty (on the last day of VBS here a 8 year old boy, Eduardo, gave his life to Christ, yahoo!!!). We also did VBS two days at an all girl orphanage. They loved us, and many missionaries´ hearts were touched (don´t take your family for granted, God is a father to the fatherless). One girl on the trip feels called to start an orphanage in Mexico, and this help solidify her vision.

So, one day in ministry...we had finished the drama, spoke to various people. I took some money out of my backpack to use the BaƱo (50 centimos was needed)...I put my backpack near our soundbox...left...and when I came back, my backpack was no where to be found, it had been stolen. (I guess robbers go up and down this particular road and had seen me take money out of my back pack)...But, let me put it this way: so, this backpack was full of ¨seed¨...Spanish Bibles, tracts, my Bible, my notebook of Journaling and notes from meetings, an electronic translator (they can translate my notebook into English!!!), glasses (maybe they can see the literature better now), some bars (fed spiritually and physically), possibly about 3 cameras (don´t worry, I´ll try to get some disposable cameras for Macchu Picchu), my cd player, many Cds (Jordan, I´m so sorry, that Downhere Cd was in there), and my Nalgene water bottle...May God use those seeds to change Chincha, it was all God´s any how
(¨ you are noy your own, you were bought with a price¨, if I´m not my own, nothing I own is my own either!! Plus, God works all things together for good!!).

At the site we went to after this incident, we led 4 people to christ and encouraged about 5 young Catholic students in the things of God (they knew Christ personally...and I hope that each of you who read this blog trust Him too!!). This message of Christ is the most importand message in the world!!!

Well, I´m gonna get going. God bless you all, love you, and see you later.

Adam Parker
Lima, Peru
To the ends of the earth, this world for King Jesus!!!!


I´ve been in Peru for a month now!!

Top to bottom 1) A Seal or Sea lion on the boat trip 2)On the boat trip 3)An old bridge or dock, kinda reminds you of ¨Pirates of the Carribbean¨4)A huge image in the sand thats been there for hundreds of years, people aren´t quite sure how they were made, there are different ideas 5) With Isaac, he lived in the church in Pisco 6)With Joel, the pastor´s son in Pisco 7)Soccer in the street!!

Its been an awesome experience here so far and I know that it will continue to be amazing!!! If you try to post a comment and find that you can´t just e-mail me at Maineiac85@yahoo.com...
So, the group of missionaries who were here the first month (A trip) left on July 3rd...The group of us here for 2 months (12 of us) have been doing various things...Ate at Chilis on July 4th, played pictionary, Youker (a card game)...we went to a town near the Pacific Ocean called Pisco for about 3 full days and did a a couple days of ministry. One day we did the ¨Ragman¨ around Pisco and shared the love of Jesus Christ...the other day we went prayer walking and encouraged Christians and gave tracts out...Good stuff. One day in Pisco we went on a boat ride and saw penguins, birds, seals or sea lions, and other stuff.

Well, tomorrow (13th, early in the morning...midnight) the B trippers (another group of missionaries here for a month) come...We have a day of training...drama training...and then the next day I think we´ll be going back out to minister.

Oh, Marie, that book on Jim Elliot and his Journaling is AWESOME...his 100% being sold out for God is Amazing...a good role model...Love you all...you are missionaries wherever you are. Be a bright shining light for Jesus Christ Everywhere!!!
To the ends of the earth,
This world for King Jesus,
Adam Parker
¨Hasta luego¨