
Summer Missions Continued

Hey Folks, just wanted to post my support letter for God's mission trip next summer. Here it is.

Dear Friends

As you probably know I went with Teen Mania's Global Expeditions to Okinawa, Japan in 2003 and India in 2004. Those were some awesome experiences!! My goal is to one day be a Medical Missionary, so, this trip is right down my alley(plus I love to act!).

On this trip to Peru we will be based in Lima, Peru. Our ministry will include helping a team of doctors with ministry to thousands of people coming for medical attention. I will have an opportunity to take temperatures, blood pressures, and administer basic medicine, while sharing Christ with large crowds of people through drama and personal evangelism. We'll also do VBS, visit schools, plazas, churches, and orphanages around Lima, presenting the Gospel at each site through dramas, assemblies, and interactive ministry. This trip also includes drama ministry in Cuzco, Peru.

I will be leaving on June 10th and returning home on August 4th. In the meantime I will be working to raise funds for my trip. The total cost of this trip is approximately $3602 , which includes: airfare, accommodations, food and training. I know that I cannot accomplish this task alone and I trust that God will provide the finances needed for me to go on this mission trip. I am asking you to be a part of this trip with me by making a donation towards my trip cost.I have several financial deadlines to meet; the first is April 30, 2007, when $1801 is due.

If you would like to support me in this exciting opportunity, you can by going to http://www.globalexpeditions.com/ and click on “Donate” at the top of the page. Any support will be greatly appreciated!If you have any questions please call me at (540)635-1302. Also, for more information feel free to call the Global Expeditions Missions Support Hotline at 866.5.GLOBEX

Thank you so much for you time and consideration. I greatly appreciate your prayer and

God Bless,
Adam Parker
(Jeremiah 29:11)


Anonymous said...

Hey man, good luck with the Missionstrip to Peru. May God be with you. I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, I hope things are going well for you and your family. Please send them my greetings and regards.

Shay Dawg said...

Hey, here I am finally, so..Peru! that sounds like an awesome experience, and it's nice that you have a while to prepare before you take off. I think I could definately go for the medical missionary thing, I come from a family of nurses you know =)
Say hi to Marie for me when you see her today.

Adam said...

Awesome, will do!

Anonymous said...

Keep praying hard. Your trip will be an amazing trip. I'm sure you know that by now. Dont be surprised if God challenges you in a different way this time compared to your other trips.