

Well folks, I have been in Argentina for over a week and I am loving it!! This is actually the first time that Teen Mania has gone to Argentina and the churches we are working with love us!!

We´ve done dramas at plazas and parks and have shared Christ with people in that way. We also helped out at a Camp that had many troubled youth...we shared some of our dramas there, we played sports, helped in the kitchen, etc...Then yesterday we went to a Church camp that was very close to the snow covered Andes Mountains...while there we did some dramas in a plaza, a playground, and a playground and shared Jesus there! That night we presented 4 skits/dramas, our leader was sharing God´s plan for Guy/Girl relationships...

Guys, I am having a BLAST!!! Be ready to hear stories when I come home...Pray for: Energy, Unity, no complaining, and protection...also, please pray that people that we have friendships with will come to Christ, many more will come to Christ, and thart people get healing physically and spiritually!!!!

To the ends of the earth,

This world for King Jesus,

Adam Parker

PS Chrck out that Global Expedition website I mentioned in a previous blog (http://www.globalexpeditions.com/) and go to ¨Projects¨...¨Summer¨ ...¨Argentina¨ then click on the Red ¨Argentina B¨ and there should be pictures and testimonies from this trip comming soon!!!

PPS Go to http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=139024&l=32e5f&id=559880507 more pics!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Adam,
Nice to read you blog. I did go over to Global Exped. but didn't see the pictures-I didn't press the red. We are proud of you and are sure God is helping you to reap a harvest for HIm. Marie is on her way to Mass to help Lexi for a week. Keep Matt in your prayers!! God can heal in the US as well. Love, MOM

Anonymous said...

hey sounld like you are having a good time. I wish I could have gawn with you. May be one day we will have to do that..
I love you!