
Isn't this an awesome pic? I took it yesterday after tons of rain. See the mist, nice!!!

Look at me, I'm taking my first baby-step in Blogging!! So, my name is Adam, born on Dec. 19, 1985 in Brunswick, Maine. I am a born again Christian, I love God so much and desire to follow Him all my life and do great things for Him!! When I was 10years old my family moved down to Northern Virginia in B-town because my dad was called to be a pastor here.

Since being down here in VA I have gone on two mission trips with Teen Mania's Global Expeditions, I think that every Christian should GO on a mission trip sometime in their life!! Check out this web-site,
http://www.globalexpeditions.com, it may give you some ideas. The mission trips I took with GE to Okinawa, Japan and India really opened my eyes to other cultures and places.

Well, the last two years I have been at Bible School at a Place known as F.B.I. in New Hampshire. We are right next to Mt. Manadnock, very beautiful!! Here I learned about the Bible and also learned other useful things (its a work-study program) like how to Chain-Saw, change window panes, DJ a low-powered Christian radio station, etc... The School sport is Volleyball and I have learned to really enjoy volleyball!! This is a 3 year program and I'm still unsure if I'll be going back next Fall, I'm still praying about it.

Hope you enjoyed my first blog...See you later unless I see you first. And if I don't see you again, Good Morning, Good Evening, and Good Night!!! (Jeremiah 29:11)